Powerful Exam Development & Delivery for Any Challenge
ExamStudio was designed by Zoomorphix Systems to solve today’s most complex and unique testing challenges. A robust, end-to-end testing solution by the leader in advanced item technology, ExamStudio streamlines item banking and exam development with the most sophisticated multimodal test delivery platform on the market.
ExamStudio is ideal for organizations of all sizes, from testing complicated subject matter for global technology companies to specialized medical boards to construction and architecture firms. Used separately or combined, the platform’s powerful modules are reliable, agile and backed by an in-house team of world-class software engineers driven to develop solutions that meet any testing requirement with ease.
ExamStudio. Built for Testing.

Item Banking
Author and bank advanced item types for any subject matter with ease using sophisticated workflow, editing and media integration functionalities.

Exam Development
Build and publish test forms featuring complex test options, advanced and multilingual formats, scoring data and comprehensive versioning.

Exam Delivery
Deliver secure, web-based exams in any language, anywhere, anytime through flexible proctored, non-proctored and third-party test center options.
Test Development and Test Delivery Optimized for Your Organization

The Most Streamlined Implementation and Deployment Journey
With a dedication to efficiency, our in-house team of program managers guide the implementation process with precision and a commitment to achieving the specific goals and timelines of every project.
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