Versioning System
End-to-End Versioning System
ExamStudio’s comprehensive versioning system manages complex testing processes from item authoring to test publication. This leading-edge capability ensures complete tracking and a full audit trail of every piece of data on the platform at every stage in the testing process.
Item and Case Version Tracking
Use the versioning system to:
See versions every save
Version published revisions
Access full history
Compare and revert changes
Track items authored - what's been changed and who changed it
Review form details edited
Exam Publishing Versioning
Publishing an exam will version the following:
Exam forms edited – versions of exams built
Exams published – versions of exams published
Exams taken – versions of exams taken and by which user
Security & Control
Manage the integrity of testing processes with versioning features including read-only security and the inability to delete published exams.
ExamStudio. Built for Testing.
Item Banking
Author and bank advanced item types for any subject matter with ease using sophisticated workflow, editing and media integration functionalities.
Exam Development
Build and publish test forms featuring complex test options, advanced and multilingual formats, scoring data and comprehensive versioning.
Exam Delivery
Deliver secure, web-based exams in any language, anywhere, anytime through flexible proctored, non-proctored and third-party test center options.
Ideal for Organizations of Every Size, Delivered at Any Scale
From IT and medical certifications to exams for construction, finance and more, ExamStudio’s all-in-one solution enables a broad range of organizations to build, publish and deliver web-based exams in any language, anywhere, anytime.
Learn more about the industries we serve